Changing Windows

Now it’s time to start modifying the CoreRPG for our purpose. To do that, you need to either modify, replace or add new windowclasses. I decided to follow the approach that I’ve seen in all rulsets inspected - so that anymone picking up my ruleset knows where to look.

A first experiment

I wanted to play around with the npc sheet to find out how everything works. At first, I created in campaign a file called “record_npc.xml”. Please bear in mind, that this is just a convention. But if you are in Rome, do as the Romans do - and everyone will find without searching. In addition to that, I added an empty script file called npc.lua in campaing/scripts - again, just as everyone does. The record_npc.xml looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <windowclass name="npc">
            <size width="350" height="300" />
            <minimum width="350" height="300" />
            <dynamic />
        <nodelete />
        <script file="campaign/scripts/npc.lua" />
        <nodelete />
            <resize_recordsheet />
            <close_recordsheet />

The window class with name “npc” replaces the existing one in CoreRPG. The frame tag gives the sheet a background (otherwise it would really be invisible - I tried). Placement & sizelimits determine the initial size and how close (or large) it can be resized. Dynamic tells you that it can be resized. I copied nodelet from the source - but I don’t know what it means. The documentation found here: is not helpful. The sheetdata tag contains the content - in my case nothing except the marker to have a close button and something called resize_recordsheet

  • but I haven’t found documentation about it yet.